ARTX330 Alternative Photographic Processes—Schedule

Spring Quarter 2018, Kalamazoo College

Richard Koenig, Professor






Introduction—go over syllabus and schedule

View process samples

Pre-flashing of photographic paper

Work with view camera a bit

Send out mini-reading to do for Thursday

[Danny Kim has FABLAB this time slot]

Discuss mini-reading

Work with paper negatives and wooden pinhole cameras

Make positives

Send out reading one for Tuesday


Discuss reading one

Work with pinhole and view cameras

2:00 PM Critique primitive and view camera works

Homework: shoot digital images with cyanotypes in mind

Introduction to the production of digital negatives

Introduction to cyanotype process

Handout reading two (cyanotype)


Discuss reading two

Print digital negatives

Work with cyanotype process

Work on negatives with Photoshop for one hour only

[Danny Kim has FABLAB this period from 1:30 to 3:30PM]

Work with cyanotype process

Handout reading three


Discuss reading three

Critique of cyanotype process works

Handout reading four

Discuss reading four (VDB)

Optimize and make one negative each (with new curve)

Introduce Van Dyke brown process—print one each

Weekend: curate eight images and optimize for VDB


Make negatives in class

Refresh procedure for Van Dyke brown process

Begin to print for your final four VDB

IÕm out of town shooting

Make prints with Van Dyke brown process


Critique of Van Dyke brown works

Polish midterm portfolio or experiment with dual process (cyanotype and VDB)

General work timeÉ

Polish midterm portfolio or experiment with dual process

Turn in mid-term production by the end of class

Handout reading five-a (platinum/palladium)


Discuss reading five-a

Introduce the platinum/palladium process

Handout reading five-b (more on p/p)

Discuss reading five-b

Work with platinum/palladium process


Work with platinum/palladium process

Critique of platinum/palladium process

Assign Open Project


Go around circle to hear what you will do for open project

Work time for Open Project

Work time for Open Project


Demonstration: Mat Cutting

Course Evaluations

Work time for Open Project

No class: IÕm at a conference in Chicago


Critique Open Projects

Sunday, 6/10, 3:30 to 6:00 PM

Turn in second-half production at end of class




I will e-mail you regarding the return of your projects during finals week.


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