ARTX115 Digital Photography [Reduced Capacity Variant]—Schedule

Fall Quarter 2021, Kalamazoo College

Richard Koenig, Professor


Due to classrooms being held to 70% capacity, IÕll be splitting this class into two groups of seven or eight students. The first group should arrive at 8:45 AM, weÕll meet for an hour as a group, and then that group will depart. After allowing ten to fifteen minutes for changeover, the second group will convene at 10:00 AM to also meet for an hour.


Note: class materials will be provided ahead of time (via Moodle)—please look that over prior to your class meeting time so that we can make the most of this reduced time together.






September 14th


Moodle: view syllabus, schedule, and Intro PPTX

You might compile a list of questions that I can answer during our in-person session (or via e-mail whenever)


In-Person: meet and greet; go over syllabus/schedule, and PPTX Introduction


September 16th


Moodle: view Camera Controls PPTX—Exercise One; Exposure Basics & Cheat Sheet


In-Person: Go over PPTX CC/Ex1; Cheat Sheet; assign for weekend: please obtain the Four Effects


Weekend: send additional notes on Depth-of-Field



September 21st


Moodle: view notes on downloading of images, Sense of Place PPTX and directive: post your ungraded exercise to Padlet—the Four Effects (two based on time and two based on focus)


In-Person: go over the downloading images; look at your examples of the Four Effects; view PPTX Sense of Place (second portion of Assignment One)


September 23rd


Moodle: Question: whatÕs your ŌplaceĶ going to be?

PPTX Tech Talk 2—Lenses/Composition


In-Person: kick around ideas for Sense of Place, PPTX TT2 Lenses/Composition


Weekend: History/Work 1, Article: ŌHidden in Plain Sight: The Ghosts of SegregationĶ


September 28th


Moodle: PPTX Tech Talk 3—Light/Color; Also, a reading (Bull, with PPTX) for ThursdayÕs class


No Class Today

IÕm out of town presenting on my work


September 30th


Moodle: PPTX History/Work 2 (Bull), Handouts and Video: Image Size and Optimization using Photoshop


In-Person: PPTX TT3; Review Bull with PPTX History/Work 2; Demo: Image Optimization



October 5th


Moodle: directive to post to Padlet for feedback—second half of assignment one (Sense of Place); handout on discussing images


In-Person: a working critique—Sense of Place

October 7th


In-Person: PPTX Assignment Two—Narrative Sequence; assign reading (Lipkin)



Turn in Assignment One by 11:59 PM Friday (your six final images: post to Padlet with small introductory statement)



October 12th


Moodle: PPTX for Lipkin reading


In-Person: PPTX History/Work 4 (based on Lipkin); discuss what youÕre working on for Assignment Two


October 14th


Moodle: PPTX on photographic genres


No in-person session today

IÕm in the field shooting


As mentioned earlier: since weÕre halfway through the term, the meeting times for the two groups of students will now be switched (so that the second group can enjoy a later start time).






October 19th


Moodle: directive to post to Padlet for feedback—Assignment Two (Eight Images—Narrative Sequence)


Assign Blog Entry (handout) plus link to Dinty W. Moore piece, The Personal (Not Private) Essay


In-Person: a working critique: Narrative Sequence


October 21st


In-Person: PPTX Assignment Three—Portraits or Light & Form


Touch upon blog post assignment, give take-home quiz, and finish critique of A2



Turn in Assignment Two by 11:59 PM Friday (your eight final images: post to Padlet with small introductory statement)



October 26th


Moodle: directive to post to Padlet for feedback—Blog Exercise (open timeline: let me know when you want feedback—not due until Tuesday of Week Nine)


In-Person: Turn in take-home quiz; discuss A3 ideas; Photoshop demonstrations—please let me know if you have a particular need


October 28th


Moodle: Touch Base


In-Person: Go over quiz and letÕs take a peek at the blog assignment or more Photoshop demos [If no blog posts are up yet, letÕs go over a few things on my dig-demo pages: p1 formats, p6 basic montage, and p8 type tool]



November 2nd


Moodle: a directive to post to Padlet for feedback—Assignment Three (Portraits or Light/Form)


No in-person session today

IÕm in the field shooting


November 4th


In-Person: a working critique—Portraits or Light/Form; a heads up: the Blog Entry due next Tuesday



Turn in Assignment Three by 11:59 PM Friday (your eight final images: post to Padlet with small introductory statement)


November 9th


Prior to class: the blog assignment is due; Handout: written component for A4


In-Person: PPTX Open Project with AS + SR

Blog Entries Are Due


November 11th


Moodle: handout to help with artist statement and structured reflection


In-person: call and response—what are you working on for A4?


November 16th


Moodle: a directive to post to Padlet for feedback—Assignment Four (Open)


In-Person: a working critique of final (try to make it through half of each group)


[We will also do course evaluations today]


November 18th


In-Person: a working critique of final (must make it through the second half of each group)





Turn in Assignment Four by 11:59 PM Friday (your ten to twelve images: post to Padlet with AS + SR sent to me via e-mail)



Please remember to save/remove all of your files from the iMac computers in the FABLAB—these computers are wiped from time to time (by Information Services). For secure file management, if possible, one should have files backed-up and stored in two different locales.


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