ARTX201: Visual Fundamentals—Syllabus

Spring Quarter 2016, Kalamazoo College

Richard Koenig, Professor


Meeting Time: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 to 11:30 AM

Meeting Place: Room 22 (and 122) of the Light Fine Arts Building

Office Hours: 2:30 to 4:00 PM Tuesday and Thursday (or by appointment)


Office: Light Fine Arts 203


Phone: 269.337.7003



Course Goals


The chief goal of this fundamental studio art class is to explore the basic elements and principles of design and color theory—the formal aspects of art.


For two-thirds of the term, this class will be devoted to basic elements and principles of design and color theory. To accomplish this, we will work on a series of short exercises that are quite prescriptive. Students learn these concepts by producing a series of two-dimensional studies that are discussed in the classroom (critique). For the remaining third of the course, we will synthesize what we've learned and work on two more complex projects. These projects will be completely open to you and could employ more diverse media (see below). Along side this studio work will be a series of readings and related discussion. These readings will expand beyond the formal to work as an introduction to art theory.


Through this work—the exercises, projects, and readings—we hope to further the studentÕs ability to create, analyze, and interpret visual imagery.





Your grading will be based on the following:


30%      Midterm Portfolio (nine exercises—photography counts double)

20%      Midterm Journal (15) and Participation (5)


20%      Website (documentation of works, digital optimizing, and website design)

10%      Project One

10%      Project Two

10%      Second Half Journal (5) and Participation (5)



In-Class Participation (10%)


This is very different than attendance—it is in addition to it, if you like. Good participation means one actively and candidly contributes to the conversation during critiques, while also being supportive of your peers. It means one arrives to the classroom on time, is prepared, and shows by means of facial expression and body language that one is following what is going on. It means, quite simply, that one contributes to a positive class atmosphere. Along those lines, one important note about critiques: we criticize the work, not the person making the work. Please turn off phones, do not email, Facebook, text, or twitter during structured class time.





Attendance is mandatory. It is crucial that you miss as few of the meetings as possible as the instruction builds upon itself. After two unexcused absences your grade can be lowered at my discretion. This penalty is applied to your course grade after it is determined using the above formula. One must have documentation to obtain an excused absence. Also, two late arrivals will be counted as one absence. If you do miss a class, get notes from another student.





Any student with a disability who needs an accommodation or other assistance in this course should make an appointment to speak with me.





There is no required textbook for this class—I will provide handouts as needed.



Razor Blades


I was recently asked to put this statement in my syllabus: ÒNO RAZOR BLADES IN THE RECYCLING PLEASE! Recyclers found a razor blade from a utility knife in the middle of a bin of paper. It was mere chance that the tiny blade was found before any blood was shed. However, with this said, and knowing that the bin came from the Fine Arts Building, we must urge all students/faculty/staff to refrain from disposing of razor blades in the recycling bins.Ó Razor blades may be recyclable, and I will provide a safe place in the classroom for safe disposal.



Lab Fee and Costs


You will be charged $25 for a lab fee in this class. This pays for additional materials that I will be handing out in class as well as digital prints you will be producing in the Center for New Media.



Lecture and Lab Time


Our usual meeting place will be Fine Arts 22, otherwise known as the printmaking studio. But, to view PowerPoint presentations, we will pop up to room 122 (which I call the FABLAB) for these talks as needed.



Gather Collage Materials


Keep an eye open for raw materials that could be used very soon in this class: leaves, catalogues with colors and textures, wrappers with text, family photographs, train tickets, movie stubs, bits of cloth, etc.



Gather Ideas for two projects


While the first two-thirds of this class is given over to exercises, the last third is dominated by two projects that are totally open to you. As we pass midterm, begin to formalize in your mind what you might do for these last assignments. Utilize a medium that you enjoy, and did well with in the earlier part of the class—be it in drawing, painting, collage, or even something we didn't explore (photography, digital, video, performance). You should also search out content or a concept that really intrigues you as well. This could be something personal, self-referential perhaps, or you may want to work with social or political ideas that move you in some way.



Journal (20%)


You will be required to keep a digital journal while in this class. In this you can record your reading summaries for four readings, as well as ideas for your assignments and work in general. I will take a look at this at midterm and at the end of the course.



Documentation/Digital Optimization/Website (20%)


In addition to the journal, I really want to instill in art majors the importance of documenting their work as they produce it. Therefore you will be required to build a small website showing images of the work you produce in this class. WeÕll go over shooting and/or scanning your work. And if you donÕt already have a site, you might look for a free site that provides building and hosting.





I will purchase a supply of these two items below for the entire classÉ




(30) White Six-Ply Railroad Mat Board, 22Ó x 28Ó

(4 12-sheet pads) Strathmore Spiral Bound Watercolor Paper, 15Ó x 22Ó



Each student will be asked to purchase the following for themselvesÉ


All Items Available in Bookstore




Liquitex Basics Matt Primary Paint Set, Product No. 6253 (Contains 5 Basics Matt primary opaque colors in 75ml tubes. Contains Titanium White, Primary Blue, Primary Red, Primary Yellow, and Black.)


Various itemsÉ


Rubber Cement ÒBest TestÓ 8 oz with Brush

Rubber Cement ÒPick-UpÓ (Designed to Remove Dried Cement)

X-acto #1 Mat Knife (With #11 Blades)

Brushes: White Nylon Bristle (Inexpensive): (2) Flats: Sax #2 and #8

Palette Knife

Pad of Disposable Paper Palettes—Use with Palette Knife to Mix Acrylic Paints

Metal Straightedge—small (1Ó x 18Ó)

Portfolio—Red Paper (10Ó x 15Ó)


Note: would be good to have a small toolbox or tackle type box to carry this stuff.


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