Just east of Bushnell (7-10_DSC_0065)

Pine Bluffs, Wyoming (9-10_18)

Just west of Cheyenne (2-12_9)

Iron Horse Road (former roadbed) between I-80 and Old Sherman (DSC_0617)

Ames Monument, Old Sherman (9-15_1)

The Dale Creek Trestle site, looking against the direction of travel (10-29_DSC_0073)

Just west of Dale Creek, looking against the direction of travel (10-28_DSC_0083)

Just west of Dale Creek, looking against the direction of travel (10-28_1)

Cuts and fills between Dale Creek and Hermosa Road (10-28_DSC_0090)

Chief Washakie, University of Wyoming, Laramie (DSC_5225)

Wyoming Territorial Penitentiary, Laramie (DSC_0645)

Howell Road, approaching Bosler (9-4_16)

Abandoned roadbed, near Lookout (10-29_DSC_0149)

Harper, where abandoned roadbed crosses 30/287 and heads to the northeast (9-12_13)

Bridge abutments just east of Cannonball Cut (9-4_18)

Rock Creek (2-13_15)
