Stephen Oloo :: K College Math


This is a chance for you to show me you are a master of the algebra skills needed for this course. You can only get zero or a perfect score on this, and you get to attempt it as many times as you want within a certain time window. It is in your best interest to show me your first attempt as early as possible.


  1. Click the link below to access an exam. Everytime you click on it it generates a new exam. You should print out the exam.
  2. Do the exam BY YOURSELF. You may not get help from anyone or any book or any calculator or the internet etc. Write out your solutions.
    2a. If you get stuck and don't finish the exam, go to step 4.
    2b. If you finish the exam proceed to step 3.
  3. Come to my office and show me your solutions. If you are showing me an exam for grading then it must be all your own work.
    3a. If your solutions are perfect then you are done - you've passed! Proceed to step 5.
    3b. If I found an error in your work proceed to step 4.

  4. Get help on the exam/technique you are struggling with. You may get help from me/friends/the MPC/the internet. After getting enough practice, you have to do another entire exam - ie go back to step 1.

  5. You are a master of algebra.


Algebra Mastery Exam

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES/TIPS: Some of these might be a helpful refresher for some algebraic techniques.
(1) Complicated (non-linear) Inequalities
(2) When simplifying expressions involving radicals I would like you to put all roots as powers, as the video simplifying radical expressions (3) Factoring quadratic expressions
(4) Completing the Square

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